Family Memories
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848-1954), Thursday 21 June 1934, page 3 National Library of Australia
HORSES OR TRACTORS? WHEAT FARMERS DISCUSS RESPECTIVE MERITS COMMISSION AT NUMURKAH NUMURKAH, Wednesday-When the Royal Commission on Wheat completed the hearing of evidence at Numurkah today
Mr E Roe (Cobram) said that even if the price of sheep and lambs depreciated it would pay to grow wheat at 10/ a bag He suggested 3/G a bushel as a home consumption price Mr E T Batey (Youanmite) said that neither wheat nor stock was payable separately Cultivation was necessary to provide feed in stubbles for stock He had discontinued the use of the tractor, horses being more economical, but with a reduction in the price of kerosene he vould use the tractor more While the number of sheep In the district had increased, the area under wheat had not been materially affected Mortgagees had been sympathetic, and he knew of only one case in which a farmer had been dispossessed One mortgagee had reduced the capital amount of a loan He did not favour bulk handling, as finances would not support the cost of the change from the existing system.